Issue 15: Autumn 2011


By Francoise Elvin

By the White Lighthouse
(for my neice Lisa, aged 2)

Because your bright face
reminds me of unhampered
precious things,
still ignorant of
patience or pretence,

Because you stood on the
dumpy metal bollard
at the end of the pier and waited for me
to plant my feet firmly
and hunker down low;

Because when I gave the word you
Jumped so freely, over and over,
into the safety net of my arms;
Trusting the
delicious giddy
sensation of
hurling yourself
into the void...

Because your laughter
reminds me so
precisely of what it is
to let go....and find another
waiting for you there when you do...

Because, as if by
Seal of Royal
dwelling up there
somewhere in the clouds,
the plane leaving
tilted and swung

over the same scene
and I saw it from
above, bounded by
the sea’s signature
inimitable blue,

Because of all this Lisa,
I remain, by the White
bound to you.

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