Issue 17;


Sangha Update

Springtime Unfolding in Hebden Bridge

By Rebecca Habergham

Hello everyone, wow how quickly these newletters seem to spin round. So springtime does seem to be unfolding in magical and sometimes astoundingly unexpected ways.

1st April 2012 saw us welcome the sole use of a room for our own mini Zendo. It was great that Frances, Wendy, Chris, Kath, Louis and Beibei were there the day we got the keys. They could welcome the new arrival along with a bundle of lovely folk from our Sangha. A perfect welcome was had with ages ranging from 10~70 years, and cakes ranging from Guinness Cake (is that allowed in a Zen space?) to chocolate bunnies and flapjack.

Soft tears arose and I felt a strong need to give a very loud (whoops that’s not very silent is it!) THANK YOU to all that has arisen in order to support this, and know that the practice you all share with us has gone a long way to making it possible. We came up with many ideas for how to use the space in the future including: Yorkshire tea ceremonies, stitching cushions, making benches, 24 hour tag team sitting, practise talks, using space for children and families……..and it felt very apt that it opened on 1st April as one thing we did want to develop was the fine art of taking ourselves less seriously and dancing with lightness. We are also considering names for the room, liking The Room of Refreshment so far as that is what it is already called, believe it or not.

More opportunities arising within this town has meant I have been given the opportunity to care for the hostel, that we ran residential retreats in, over the Summer. It is open as a Youth Hostel over the summer and I will welcome guests to stay in the 36 bed space. However alongside this we are hoping that Ingen Breen will be joining us for maybe a few months over the summer to stay in the hostel. These plans are still very much open and fluid and under discussion. If he does decide to definitely come we can use our new room we now have sole use of to run a Zen schedule over the Summer months. As the room is within the same building as the hostel it is easily accessible. Although we cannot do closed retreats during this time, as the hostel is open to other guests, we are hoping that people will use the reasonably priced facilities of the hostel to come and stay and also join in with the schedule we are developing. Hostel guests can also opt in and out if they so choose. Ingen would then be well placed to have discussions about developing connections with you in other parts of this gorgeous isle. I know there is already a 5 day retreat planned for August 2012.

It is all feeling very new and we will play with it for a few months over the Summer and see what grows from this time. Who knows?

Anyone interested? If so it would be really great to have you come stay with us, explore Hebden Bridge and also benefit from Ingen’s presence. Do call or email if you want more details of how it is developing or check out the spaces we will be using on the internet:

My number: 07970 425932

The hostel is situated in the Birchcliffe Centre. It is a large building which has many other small businesses there. It is currently being developed and may in the future have facilities to welcome teachers who attract larger numbers.

We thought it was important to share where we are up to now, even though it is not fixed, so you are aware of the possible developments and can pencil in some plans for yourself.

Thank you again

Sweet springtime unfolding indeed

Rebecca x

Chocolate Buddha from our first residential retreat


Chocolate Buddha from our first residential retreat.

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