Issue 27;

Retreat Report

Ingen's report from the Group Facilitators weekend - Summer 2015

By Ingen Breen

So the weekend that had been in the pipeline since early last year eventually came to pass. Last year I could see the importance of the event and was a little disappointed to see it fall through. However, quite possibly last year the time was not ripe.

Although the numbers were few for the event that took place over the Solstice weekend, I feel a lot of ground was covered, notably the consensus that the company Dancing Mountains is essentially a service instrument to the emerging and existing Sanghas that want to have a connection with San Francisco Zen Center. Ways of being able to support these groups were discussed, an action plan was arrived at, and some clarification as to 'progress' in the Zen path was reached.

It was a joy to practice with Devin, Chris, Carol and John, and the tapestry and orchestra of their environs. Our schedule, hatched on our arrival on Friday was fairly simple, zazen and chanting, discussion and tea, and food and sleep. The setting was really beautiful, an acre or so of wooded land with a food garden, chickens, a lovely straw-baled house and camping. Waking up in a tent with the early brightness of mid-summer and the frenzy of the dawn chorus was a little bewildering and also deeply connective with the web of life.

One of the highlights for me was discovering what a wonderful collection of dharma songs John and Carol have made. I look forward to being able to put links to them on my website. Another was watching Bubbles the cat clearing a meter high fence with perfect confidence and nonchalance. Nobody ever asks if cats have Buddha nature, I guess it just goes without saying.

In gassho and quiet optimism,


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