at Hebden Bridge
With Ingen Breen
Earlier this year we had a rather successful non-residential Practice Period in Hebden Bridge, of eleven weeks duration. I am very much looking forward to the next one. However, circumstances have not transpired to allow one of similar duration this year. So, the thought occurred to us of having an Intensive Practice Period, again this will be non-residential.
The schedule for this Practice Period will be simpler than the earlier and longer one, but the options will be more stark – there’ll be less room for ‘picking and choosing’.
If you do not live in Hebden Bridge and would like to attend any of the Sesshin or sittings, it is very likely that the warm and hospitable Sangha at HB will be able to accommodate you.
Here is the schedule to date, subject to revision and change, of course.
Wednesday 12th – evening zazen and opening ceremony
Mon – Fri mornings, zazen 7:00 – 7:40 followed by service.
Mon, Wed, Fri evenings, zazen kinhin zazen, 7:30 – 8:40 followed by refuges, but with service after Wednesday evening zazen.
There will be four free-standing One Day Sesshin: Saturday/Sunday 15 & 16, 22 & 23. It is possible to sign up for one or more of these. The timing is 6am to 9pm with three oryoki meals.
The Intensive will end with a Three Day Sesshin: Friday – Sunday, 28, 29, 30 and the closing ceremony will either be on the Sunday evening or on the Monday morning.
In addition Ingen, and hopefully some others, will be available to help those sewing a Rakusu.
Hebden Bridge Zen - - 07970 425932