Issue 23;

Ingen Breen


Announcing our first Practice Period at Hebden Bridge

By Ingen Breen

We are pleased to announce a non-residential Practice Period at Hebden Bridge, led by Ingen. The Practice Period will commence on the Spring Equinox with a sit and dharma talk on Friday, February 21st, and a One Day Sit on Saturday, 22nd. It will run through the beginning of May, ending with a One Day Sit on May 3rd or else a Sesshin taking us up to May 3rd.

The details of the Practice Period are yet to be filled in but it is intended to have a One Day Sit every month, with perhaps a Weekend Sit at least once, and towards the end to have a five-day or seven-day Sesshin. We will have a weekly dharma talk, a weekly dharma class, and a weekly Half-day Sit with an Oryoki meal, either breakfast or lunch and both on the One Day Sits.

All in all this looks like a great opportunity to step a little deeper in to Zen practice and delve a little deeper into the teachings. You may choose what parts of the Practice Period you wish to sign up for, you do not have to sign up for the whole.

We will publish the schedule as soon as possible.

Looking forward to this new step and to practicing with each other soon,

Ingen, the Hebden Bridge Zen Group, and the Dancing Mountains Sangha.

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