The Mountain Silence newsletter was an idea prompted over six years ago by our founding teacher Tenshin Reb Anderson Roshi who suggested it might form a focus for the coming together of Sangha in this country. For the past six years we have produced a newsletter nearly every spring, summer, autumn and winter. Together with my dharma brothers Michael Elsmere and Chris Brown, we have collated a wonderful range of contributions from this amazingly creative sangha. Over the years, we have been able to make use of advances in technology to make the newsletter and website easier to keep up to date so that today, anyone who is able to fill in an online form can publish the Mountain Silence newsletter and make changes to our web presence.
The Dancing Mountains website is undoubtedly a well-used resource, it attracts an average of 1500 - 2000 visitors each month and the newsletters are the main content so our quarterly publications provide an important service. I have very much enjoyed playing a key role in facilitating our Sangha to express itself through the newsletter and website but I feel it is time to open up this role for others to grow into. It is a useful resource as it is, but there is also great potential for Mountain Silence to evolve should someone with creative flair and a little technical confidence want to develop it further. Anyone who has basic computer and internet competence and a willingness to work with the Dancing Mountains directors to produce a unique and valuable sangha building resurce would be welcome to get in touch and show their interest. You would need to commit for a minimum of four editions but would also receive all the necessary training and support. Once you get the hang of the interface, a newsletter can be prepared in a matter of a few hours, so it need not be a major commitment in terms of time. If this is something that interests you, please email:
in gassho,
Angyu Devin Ashwood
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