By Frances Collins & Devin Ashwood
Dancing mountains received its name in December 2007 after many suggestions were put forward. Chris Brown skilfully facilitated a process where the whole sangha could express their preference and it was a wonderfully auspicious moment when among the UK students, ‘Dancing Mountains’ emerged as the clear favourite, while at the same time our founding teacher, Roshi Reb Anderson expressed a preference for this as our name.
The naming of an established sangha was recognition of our identity within the teachings of Shunryu Suzuki Roshi and San Francisco Zen Center. Looking back that was probably the start of a second phase of development here in U.K. arising out of the first phase of the practice of individuals coming together to form a sangha over the 32 years since Reb Anderson first came to UK. Development has been organic and results from a response to generous offering of supportive suggestions toward growth and deepening of practice. The third phase seems to have begun in April 2008 when a constitution was first offered to the sangha by Devin Ashwood. This suggestion opened up discussion about the shape of membership organisations and what a constitution involves. Investigation led us to the understanding of how fellow Buddhist organisations have formed. This is where discussion becomes lively as we appreciate natural and philosophical resistance to forms of incorporation.
However, it was agreed by a significant number of practitioners that in order to best support many efforts from the whole sangha, that the next step in our growth was to set up a organisational structure which may function as a charity, legally accept membership, apply to funding streams and hold to a constitution. Advice and support from our good friend Dene Donalds from Community of Interbeing (C.O.I.) has been important and greatly appreciated. C.O.I. is also a Community Interest Company that endured similar difficulties along the way to incorporation. The journey has been challenging and demanded much time, learning and collaboration from a small but focused team of people practicing together as a sangha. Connected through our practice and vows to the whole sangha we have stumbled many times but somehow have made it to the point that we can announce officially that Dancing Mountains has now incorporated as a Community Interest Company (CIC) to support Dancing Mountains sangha and all beings.
As a Social Enterprise our main function is to benefit the community. Our greatest aspiration has always been and is still clear. We offer this service as a gift not separate to receiving and giving support to practice in all areas of UK. In this edition we have included our constitution which has been the heart of this developmental practice. You can access it here.
We also include the Articles of Association as our legal documentation (not so much for night time reading!).
This incorporation allows us to apply to funding streams for resources that may support engaged practice and to create a fund toward the purchase of a venue in UK that functions as our first Zen Centre that serves our whole community and supports teachers and priests. It will also hold a container for practice within a democratic structure and can facilitate practical support for local groups such as personal insurance for group facilitators. One way of supporting this aspiration is to sign up for membership. You can access our membership form here which also invites you to consider any voluntary service you are able to offer. Another way is to offer a donation or to organise a fund raising activity that we can support you with. We warmly invite all feedback and suggestions and continue to offer our wholehearted support and practice to all.
This issue of Mountain Silence brings together updates from all strands of our sangha, from beginning to propose policy for our organisation on how we take care of our resources to a realistic proposal for the building of a temple in Ireland by Ingen Breen. We also hear back from the UK’s first extended practice period in Hebden Bridge and of upcoming practice opportunities, not least of which is a vacancy to facilitate the publication of this newsletter!
With the warmest bows to all at this wonderful new beginning,
Frances Collins & Devin Ashwood
Sangha Update
Dancing Mountains Constitution
By Dancing Mountains
Aims and Objectives
The objectives of Dancing Mountains Zen C.I.C. are to make accessible teachings as expressed by the Buddha&...
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Sangha Update
Articles of Association of Dancing Mountains Zen Community Interest Company
By Dancing Mountains
The Companies Act 2006
Community Interest Company Limited by Guarantee
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Sangha Update
Draft Guidelines on Use and Care of Assets
By Chris Brown
As Dancing Mountains becomes a legal entity, it becomes important to consider what Dancing Mountains is, what constitutes its field of act... Read more
Retreat Report
Hebden Bridge Practice Period
By Ingen Breen
Dear Sangha and Friends,
The Practice Period here in Hebden Bridge started in February and we’re now just over a week pas...
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Sangha Update
A Zen Temple in Ireland?
By Ingen Breen
Dear Sangha and Friends,
Aside from the Practice Period at Hebden Bridge, two new developments have happened in the growing San...
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Sangha Update
Visit by Catherine Gammon 2014
By Frances Collins
We are delighted to welcome Rev. Catherine Gammon back to England in 2014 for a period from 12th August until 5th October. During this time Catherine will be hosted ... Read more
Rohatsu 2014
By Angyu Devin Ashwood
Advance Notice of Rohatsu 2014 with Ingen Breen
Dancing Mountains are planning a 7 day sesshin (with potential weekend availabi...
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By Frances Collins
Pen poised yet words and ideas that tumbled forth to be captured now escape the pen.
Searching… connections….that someth...
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Sitting zazen at GGF
By Kath Bennett
Wind running on the roof
Ocean sounds at the door
Zendo sitting in stillness
My heart sings.
Kath Bennett
Mountain Silence - Vacancy
By Angyu Devin Ashwood
The Mountain Silence newsletter was an idea prompted over six years ago by our founding teacher Tenshin Reb Anderson Roshi who suggested i... Read more